Roche India Healthcare Institute
Main Object
- To pursue, undertake, support, advance, lead or otherwise further long term healthcare transformation in India for all citizens.
- To establish a think tank of health system experts who cultivate new ideas and collaborations on key aspects of healthcare transformation with the aim of delivering better outcomes for patients and value for the health system e.g. digital health and innovative finance.
- To collaborate with public health and Government leaders to find new ways to fill service gaps and orientate services to delivering value and outcomes for patients and the health system.
- To build platforms that share knowledge across stakeholder groups and connect vision and implementation partners for health transformation projects.
- To be the convener for coalitions of public and private organisations that will shape healthcare debate on the future of healthcare in India.
- To undertake education, training and human resource development in cancer care and other disease areas through fellowships, workshops, training programs, recognised course or other related programmes and train and educate and undertake, facilitate and/or support events and programs for training and education of oncologists, nephrologists, neurologists, hematologists, physicians, doctors, nurses, para medicals and such other human resources as necessary to tackle the rising needs in all disease areas and therapeutic segments.
- To undertake research on patient pathways and service interventions for oncology and other therapeutic areas, either independently or in collaboration with one or more organisations.
- To run programs, campaigns, and such other activities as needed to raise awareness about all disease areas and therapeutic segments including cancer and methods, habits, lifestyle changes, etc. that help prevent such disease areas.
- To direct, fund, support and/or facilitate research in clinics and laboratories and other centres of learning and research.
- To promote the cause of study and research in the fields of various therapeutic areas by giving freeships, scholarships, fellowship and grants.
- To manage cancer registries and other patient registries and to undertake other such activities that help in tackling the problems of cancer and other diseases.
- To facilitate, develop, support and/or fund platforms that enable knowledge sharing and communication among the various medical centres and hospitals across the country and abroad and to fund or support in other manner as required, other organisations or initiatives, that facilitate any of the objectives as mentioned above.
- To set up or assist in setting up, maintain, organize, manage, supervise, control, guide, aid, make donations or give grants to hospitals, infirmaries, clinics, dispensaries, diagnostic centres, nursing centres, laboratories, blood banks, nursing facilities, shelters, recovery centres, indoor and outdoor medical facilities.
- To provide grants or supply medicines, or render help or assistance in any other manner, to any person to enable him to obtain medical treatment including for recuperation and rehabilitation.
- To initiate, undertake, assist, sponsor, organise medical camps, medical aid, medical check-ups, programmes, lectures by eminent medical professionals, publications in different languages to spread awareness of hygiene / diseases / illnesses among the masses free of cost or at a concessional rate.
- To start, conduct, maintain, manage and establish sanatorium and/ or temporary residential accommodation, shelter for poor, needy and deserving patients and their relatives.